It all started when…
we realised that it was really hard to find role models that were #SmashingStereotypes.
What do we mean by this?
Well, people that do what they want to do. Girls that are more than just ‘girly’ - boys who are more than just ‘boisterous’. People that are happy just being them - happy to do what they want - happy being awesome.
So, we wanted to create a website for awesome people like you - the next generation of children and young people showing the oldies what is cool now.
So, if you are a boy who knows it is cool to be clever, daring to dance, superb to sew, or wants a high5 for helping = this is your place.
If you are a girl who is a geek, a girl who takes risks and puts her hand up to question and ask for more, a girl who is kind to other girls = this is your place.
Or you might be interested in exposing how social is creating ridiculous oppositions for your opportunities, just because you are a female or male. Or you might be interested in looking ahead - or reviewing the past. Or you might just love #SmashingStereotypes and want to send us some cool stuff.
Either way - we are here to celebrate how awesome you are.