Looking for #ActivistSS

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We are looking for young people who want social change. Who want equality. Who want to Smash Stereotypes right in.

If you know of some, please get in touch below

As the GEC works on the education platform, we will be looking for schools, nurseries, colleges, pre-schools and all educational settings to see how we can encourage young people to change their worlds.

Do you know of some ActivistSS = activism + SmashingStereotypes ?

If you have further ideas that you think we would like or if you would like to contribute to this site, please get in touch below:

Please complete the form below

Here we are encouraging teachers and parents to help their children to get #SmashingStereotypes in school and out of school. We will be launching our #ActivistSS very soon. How are you and yours SmashingStereotypes in Primary Years?

This might be in terms of curriculum design, extra curricular activities, their books or favourite video games, sports, what they wear (at home or uniform), their role models, how they speak to one another - ANYTHING!

We want examples to share with others so if you have any please just get in touch! Try to be as creative as possible - so animations, photos of Lego constructions, songs, poems, drawings, podcasts - anything goes! It has to be what they want!

How are you SmashingStereotypes?

This could be in your educational setting or at home.

It could be an image of your son in a princess dress or your daughter as an astronaut!

It could be them reading some books - see our GECBestBooks2019 for examples!

It could be a picture they have drawn or them watching their favourite TV show or film.

Please check out our galleries and social media sites for ideas too!